Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday, Sept. 3

first full day in Rehab. Some more assessments and treatments began. He is working hard and has a positive attitude. Walking with a walker, with some help. Did a few stairs (adjusted with a lower rise). Still some concern about the lungs. Still a feeding tube, darn, because the swallowing needs work. But so glad it's not a week ago. Thanks again for all your support and prayers. Tim and Peg


  1. It sounds like he is making good progress. We will keep praying for him to have the strength to make it for therapy each day (and for you too!) He is blessed to have such a loving companion by his side.

  2. I'm happy to hear about the progress. Sorry I've been so "absent" these last few days. It's been a bad couple of weeks all around. Faun (Paul's mom) fell and broke/shattered bones in her lower leg. We've had her in surgery putting in a rod and pins. Miraculously she survived the surgery, but she will never walk again. I'm so sorry I haven't been over with soup or flowers or something. Both of you are in our prayers.
    Love you!
